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  • Writer's pictureKevin Cordi

With the eyes of a storyteller-the reason for the blog

For over 25 years I have been adjusting and readjusting my eyes or better yet, my perspective. For this many years I have been a professional storyteller and narrative educator. With each new opportunity, my focus has changed. I have had the luxury of listening to storytellers as close as my neighbors and as far away as new friends in Qatar. With each new place, I am able to see a new way of realizing the potential of story and the storyteller that resides in us all.

This made me wonder, why not capture this growing and diverse perspective by creating a blog that is intended to be more of a story exchange? In the re-occuring blog, I examine books with a storyteller edge, place spotlight on storytellers, and simply observe the everyday with a narrative lenses. I continue to discover and rediscover new awareness with a narrative outlook.

I am hoping these submissions will create a story exchange. I would love to hear your thoughts on my perspective or the perspectives I highlight "with the eyes of the storyteller."

If you have a lens that you want to share, do. If something that I bring to focus enlightens your perspective, share. Let this begin a story exchange of ideas and wonder.

I also want to provide multiple lenses to these ideas. This includes ideas from researchers, storytellers, listeners, new audiences and more.

I hope the storyteller's lens that I share is something that you value or find unique. I know for me this expanded lens has changed the direction of my life.

Look on with me as we engage in the world from a narrative landscape. I am glad you are here to explore the terrain with me.

(Logo designed by Barbara Allen, this is a work in process, love to know your thoughts.)

Remember keep in touch with the blog by signing up on the website. Let us begin the Story Exchange.

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